Books By Jo Cattell

Books By Jo Cattell

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"After Angels Fall"

Authors Note: This is for the soon to be released Book 2 of the Fallen Angels Series: "After Angel's Fall" Due Christmas 2012.  For the next few weeks I will be posting from that book to give you a sneak peak into what happen after Nick and Chloe fell from grace. 

 Nick waited until he was in the car to look at them. She was breathtaking. Her body was covered in a white cloth except for her stomach, which was exposed as she held it. She wasn’t very big, still just a little bump, but you could tell she was pregnant. Roger had her looking down at her stomach in one shot, and in another, her face was aglow as she laughed. He had taken a few different poses, but the one he loved the most was of Chloe sleeping with her hand on her stomach. He couldn’t tell if she really was or if Roger had her pose that way, but whatever the situation, she was so serene.
Nick handed them to Kevin, who smiled. “She has gotten bigger since the last time I saw her. So what now?”
Nick stared out the window, hoping that maybe she would just show up. “I don’t know. I keep hitting dead ends. I thought that at least if she didn’t get her check yet, I still had a chance to find her.”

photo credit: <a href=""> ♥</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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