Wow, what a year it has been. On Tuesday January 1, 2013, will mark the 1st anniversary that I started this blog. My thought at the time were that I was going to be give you the peak into the publishing process I was going through and all the trials and tribulations that went with it. When I signed with my contract with my first publisher, I was told that I would not see my book published until the Summer of 2013. Along the way, I learned a very important lesson, that sometimes self-publishing agency's will take advantage of you. Thanks to very good friends of mine, I was able to get out of that contract and found a wonderful editor who took me under her wing and now...I have my book published. Okay down side, the original book, "Summer Rain" had to be broken down into two books, and the name had to be changed, upside...I have two published books, lol. As you can see, book 2 has a cover!!!!!! Look for its release January 1st, and of coarse I will be making the big announcement that day. I am also having a Release/New Years eve party to celebrate.
A lot has happened this year. I have grown as a writer, as a mom, and as a friend. I was blessed to have people come into my life this year some new and some old. A very dear friend came back into my life and I never realized before just how much I missed this persons friendship until we found each other again. I found out who my true friends were, and how blessed I am to have them by my side. They have all been a big part of me getting to where I am now and where I will be in the future.
Also this year, I a part of my life was given back to her parents. Gabbie went home, and truth be told, I miss that little girl every day. I marked a year that her sister Chloe, who's memory lives on in these two book, passed away and went to be with my brother Robb. I watched my oldest take make her next steps into her life by starting High School and my youngest start Kindergarten.
I started the fight for causes that are dear to my heart and will do it in memory of Chloe so that no one will have to go through what I have.
So what does 2013 hold for me.....That I'm not really sure about yet. I know in April my next book will be published. I hope to have the next book in the Fallen Angels series out this year too. I hope to do some book signings too. I know of hopefully 2 that I have planned so far and will keep you up to date as to when and where.
In closing, I wish all of you who have found my little blog, a Happy and Healthy New Year. Thanks for stopping by and reading. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Peace, Love, & Happiness ~JC